Hastings Week

Hastings Week
Schools Art Competition 2014.
This year 8 schools -Westfield, West St. Leonards, The Baird, Pebsham, Robsack, Battle and Langton, Brede and Christchurch entered the competition for £100 prize kindly donated by Tesco. The Mayor of Hastings judged all 77 entries each one taken on merit.
The winning entry was Emily Wells from Pebsham School, St. Leonards with 8 semi finalists. These entries were on display at Tesco for the duration of Hastings Week

Hastings Week School Art Competition
Hastings Week School Art Competition
Hastings WeekHastings Week
Hastings Week School Art Competition
The top seven entries displayed on the windows at Tesco's Churchwood store
Hastings Week School Art Competition
Most of the other entries,
Hastings Week School Art Competition
Hastings Week School Art Competition
Left, the winning entry from Emily Wells at Pebsham School.
Hastings Week School Art Competition Hastings Week School Art Competition
Hastings Week School Art Competition Hastings Week School Art Competition
The entries were judged by Hastings' Mayor, cllr Bruce Dowling in the Community Room at Tesco's Churchwood store helped by Tesco's Mandy and Hatings Week's Jean Hobson.
Hastings Week School Art Competition Hastings Week School Art Competition


Hastings WeekHastings Week